Wednesday, September 16, 2009


As some of you may or may not know I was given the go ahead to post the 'want ad' for my job on CraigsList last week and the response has been absolutely massive. If I had any doubt as to the state of affairs in our country I have them no more.

Over the weekend almost 90 people applied for my position. Now don't get me wrong this job has been great for me but we have had incredible overqualified people apply. People with Masters degrees, decades worth of experience at Fortune 500 companies, and government security clearance have all applied. Mothers, drive through workers, hair stylists, even a pirate re-enactor. It is incredibly draining to sit down and with a critical eye read through 90 different resumes, some tragic and some crazy impressive. I have no idea how human resource people do this all day every day.

The hardest part though is writing back to them and saying that in essence they are not right for us, I hate hurting peoples feelings and as someone who is currently sending resumes in the universe I know that it sucks getting that email back.

I cannot help but think that it might be bad karma to be in a position where I am doing so much rejecting. It just seems so negative. I have now narrowed it down to a 16 candidates and from that pool they would ideally like for it to be narrowed down to 10, and then hopefully interview about 5. Whew. Did I mention my last day is October 2nd? I am not cut out for this part. Trying to find, interview and then train your replacement is not only mildly depressing but also a very daunting task.

It is nice to harbor under the delusion that you are irreplaceable but according to CraigsList that is simply not the case. Sigh. Cleveland in two days. I am just going to keep thinking happy thoughts as I send rejection emails and sift through the sea of resumes. This is definitely not the fun part.

1 comment:

  1. I think it will be incredibly hard to replace you! Love, MOM =))
