Sunday, December 13, 2009

Mirror mirror on the wall I have the most beautiful mommy of them all!

Mommy taking me out on the town to celebrate my 21st birthday. She has always understood my need to dress up and get all fancy :)

Bogey looking picturesque on our vacay to Prince Edward Island. She looks like something out of a postcard.

Kisses on the deck of Legends Brewing Company as the sun sets on Downtown Richmond. A perfect pair, delicious cupcakes and yummy microbrews. Life can't get much better than that.

WICKED! Our trip to NYC will long be remembered as the weekend the redheads took Manhattan and had way too much fun. Thank you again mommy for such an incredible trip!

Jonny giving mommy her dirty old woman painting :) Just kidding this is one of Jonny first nudes and mom fell in love so he gave it to her as a mothers day gift. I completely forget this boys name right now....

Happy graduation day! Mommy and grandpa after graduating from Ursuline.

Happy Birthday Bogey! Two years ago today mommy and her crew celebrating the big 50 in style. This was a great surprise and tons of fun!

Jonny loves mommy oh so very much. He smooches to prove it :)

Very bestest friends forever. Well in three day spaces at least :)

Cassada cake! My mother had introduced my to yet another delicious confection that you can only get made correctly in Cleveland. Wench :)

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