Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Yes, its a nautical reference... so sue me

It might be the fact that my alma mater is named after a pirate or that I will soon be way more than an hours drive from the ocean but I have started to think about more and more things in terms of the sea.

Then while reading an article about the hopeful resurgence of the bed and breakfast industry I came across this quote...

"A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner." - Anonymous

Which got me thinking as insightful quotes are prone to do. Yesterday was sort of a dark day for me in that it feels like time has literally stopped and that I am in a weird Williamsburg limbo. I have not started training my replacement (as there has not been anyone hired), but I am essentially useless at work. It is too early to begin packing, but not to stress about how much stuff I have managed to acquire. I find myself in the classic hurry up and wait position and it is very easy to get frustrated that although everything is right on the brink of changing.... absolutely nothing has changed. Ugh.

It does not help that my recent foray into a new, clean and healthy life style frowns upon drowning ones sorrow at the Green Leafes pint night. The things that I used to love to do no longer hold their same boozy fat kid appeal, and the things that I am going to love doing I have not discovered yet. Which leaves me with grilled chicken, an elliptical machine and my old friend Frasier Crane.

Very sad but true.

Anyways, my nautical quote spoke to me. Its not supposed to be easy, I have chosen to move and start a new life and I have over analyzed this decision to death but in making it I actively decided to leave my calm seas behind. Eh, get it my life is like the ocean....

It just feels like right now I am not so much a 'skillful mariner' as I am a young lady who managed to find herself on a sailboat, in the middle of a lake, on a day with no wind and is

I would almost embrace a really rough ride* right now because at least it would be something to do, a challenge to overcome.

*Note: Universe, that is not a challenge/invitation to screw me over somehow.

Someday I feel I will be the skillful mariner in my deep and insightful nautical quote, not right this second obviously because I am currently trying to use all my lung capacity to blow my sails and move my little boat out of this friggin lake...

but someday, yes someday I will rule the seas :)

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