Friday, September 28, 2007

our little friend

This is Scrawny the skeleton. He was placed in the office to scare the deposits out of people unwilling to pay for their food... not really though.
He has been here for about two weeks staring at us with judgement and hunger everytime we eat anything. Occasionally, when plugged in his eyes light up and he yells things at us in a very whiny voice.
I got him an eye patch so he would look cooler amoung the other skeletons. Pirates are really in this year. I don't know how long he will stay but he has been embraced as just another one of the Catering Company staff, one who makes you feel bad about eating cheez-its.
I will not be that sad to see him go. Skinny punk.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


So, lets go back for a hot sec. I have explained why the blog has been created, but have not told you anything about myself really. First of all let me preface this blog by stating that I have a loose grasp of grammar at best, to me it has always been much more of an abstract concept. Please do not judge.

I have recently returned from Galway, Ireland where I lived and worked for nearly eight months. I did not go to school there, I did not know anyone in the country, and I had no money, job, or place to live. Basically it was a crazy ass dream that I actually went through with. Bananas. I eventually did find a job working at the uber posh five star G-Hotel (check it out the pictures are really pretty ). I began my career at the G-Hotel in their super fancy restaurant serving breakfast. My parents were very proud that I was utilizing my college education:) During my time spent in the restaurant I gained an intimate knowledge of Irish breakfast foods. If someone asked you for 'brown sauce' they do not mean A-1 sauce they mean a sauce that comes from an actual honest to God bottle labeled 'Brown Sauce'. It really does exist. I should not have been too surprised as this was coming from the country that devours black and white pudding, a meat dish that is named after its inclusion or exclusion of pigs blood. After months of serving 'rashers' (bacon) and 'kippers' (smoked raw fish) I was ready for a change.

I was moved to the spa within the hotel called 'ESPA at the g'. obviously there was little interaction with food within the spa. The therapist who worked there existed on a diet of cigarettes and scones and the guests in for treatments were all trying to 'cleanse' their bodies of the massive plate of fish and chips they had devoured the night before. It was decided then that if I wanted to explore the culinary side of Ireland I would have to do so on my own.

My culinary journey started off a wee bit biased however, due to the fact that the entire country of Ireland does not acknowledge the existence of ranch dressing. They have no idea what it is, Cooler Ranch Doritos are even called something else. I really felt like it was a big nation wide conspiracy to deprive me of my go to food staple. I believe strongly that anything edible can be improved by Ranch dressing, anything. Ireland did have Diet Coke in abundance though so I was able to survive, and did not immediately purchase a ticket back to the land of sour patch kids and Taco Bell.

Don't get me wrong the Irish do have some notable delicacy's, however most of them are stolen from other countries. When you are drunk and wandering the streets searching for your 'fourth meal' you go to a Kebab shop, not McDonald's or Chanellos. Whenever you order ANYTHING it automatically comes with a side of at least two forms of potato, and there I was thinking the Irish had trouble growing potato's. Silly me. Galway did have amazing fresh fish and I actually began to develop a certain appreciation for lamb, so I suppose that my horizons were broadened in the process. The only ethnic group not represented in Irish cuisine was Mexican food, you could not find a taco to save your life in that country, it is probably for the best though because they would probably find some way to put a potato into a tortilla shell and sell it.

It's totally fine though because Ireland is so expensive that you really have to choose between eating and drinking and I am sure you can imagine which usually wins out on the Emerald Isles. They are very proud of the beer and spirits produced in Ireland and are resigned to being a little lacking in the culinary department. You don't hear very many complaints about it though, after enough pints potato's tend to look amazing:)

Needless to say I am overjoyed to be back home in the land of Hidden Valley and enchiladas.
While I enjoyed Ireland, serving breakfast at seven a.m. and selling four hundred euro treatments to desperate Irish housewives was not the creative outlet that I was hoping for and I am very glad to be back at the Catering Company. There is nothing like being surrounded by all the crazy randomness that I have grown to know and love.

viva la Williamsburg!

Monday, September 24, 2007

the start of something new....

Hurray for the fabulous world of blogging! There are so many times during the day that the most surreal and random things happen and all you want to do is share them with everyone, realizing full well that no one will believe you or understand the true scope and hilarity of the situation. I am convinced that it is for these moments that blogging was invented.
So with this in mind I have decided to dedicate this space to the interesting and odd events, conversations, moments and people that regulary come in and out of the Williamsburg events scene. A glimpse if you will into a world where the right linens can make or break a party and everything is garnished. Welcome to the life and times of a catering wench, honestly you can't make this stuff up:)