Thursday, February 25, 2010

Memories, light the corners of my mind....

So in anticipation of my parents coming I am posting some of my pictures from former vacays with my super awesome, uber incredible familia. I hope you enjoy taking a trip down memory lane with me....

Nostalgia is such a cozy place to visit.

My Jonny Angel in the Guinnes Sky Bar looking out over a very wintery Dublinland.

Mumsy and Popsicle touring the Jameson distillery. I did not even tell mom to do bunny ears.

Gang signs at Blarney Castle. I love my parents oh so much.

Absolutly epic. My dad is a movie star :)

Enjoying our Christmas socks, the gift that keeps on giving....

My favorite boy

Smooches on the Penny Bridge in Dublin :)

The Cliffs of Moher.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhAHHHHHHHHHHHahhhhhhhhhhhh

Greek food in Canada land. My parents are so cute.

Teeheehee he looks very unamused....

Hanging out in the land of yarn, which eventually became a very lovely shawl, thanks Grandma!

Not the most interesting museum ever, but still fun. Look at mommy in her jorts :)

Probably explaining some intricate pouring process. I heart him so.

Stag parties singing Summer Lovin in Shannon... bananas.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mumsy and Popsicle in 10 days!!!!

It is official, momma mia and pu-pop are officially coming to the 'Boro!!!!
Our first cross country guests ever are coming to visit over Spring Break and we already have so much fun stuff planned... antiquing in Cape Girardeau, gambling and visiting the Anhauser-Busch brewery in St. Louis, dinner with the Homeboys, tons of winery's, delicious food and of course tons of photo- ops :)

I cannot flippin wait!

Now all I have to do is tons of cleaning making sure that all is perfect for my parentals first visit. Hopefully they have started a trend and now all of you guys will start coming to visit....
eh? Maybe? One can always hope.

I will keep you updated on my preparations and excitement level which is currently off the charts. Its so lovely having amazing house guests to look forward to!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Now for your moment of Zen (Apple Style)

Today for your moment of Zen I am going to give you a behind the scenes glimpse into the making of Captain Applesauce. As you all know Gus has been given the honor of playing the Captain this year and a few Saturdays back we had our first 'event' that he attended as his new alter ego :)

The costume is similar to that of any school mascots and costs damn near $7,000. Yeah. So needless to say it is very well protected. As the story goes Captain Applesauce can leap tall apple trees in a single bound, has several small apple seed style children and lost his voice trying to save an apple from being turned into a pie. Now I am not making this up, someone else has that very dubious honor.

The first official event was a birthday breakfast celebrating the towns hero and claim to fame John A. Logan who was a Civil War hero and also almost was a Vice President. The breakfast failed to deliver pancakes, as promised but all the little kids loved poking and hugging and giving high fives to the Captain. Gus plays the part perfectly though because he is crazy hyped and bounces around all the time and is in all actuality still a kid himself.

Don't you just love the big belly? Dead sexy.

It takes two people to get into this costume, there is alot of work involved what with the massive head and four fingered gloves and massive fuzzy green clown shoes.

Captain Applesauce spending time with all of his adoring fans. Surprisingly kids love this guys. Some are very scared, which I can't blame them for because he is kind of terrifying, but most small children are pretty big fans.

Photo ops are also part of the job description. This one is with the sponsor of the breakfast (seen in the 'period' hoop skirts, which correct me if I am wrong were not that slutty and outlandish back in the day) the key club and the Captain.

I love the Captain :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010


So I know I talk about them all the time but our friends Randy and Dale are in the paper!!!!!
This is the store that I am constantly blogging about and that they are going to let me work at so that I can quit this awful, hateful job that crushes my soul!!!

I am so excited that there is such a great article in our paper about them.

We absolutely adore them, they have been so nice to us and are becoming our bestest friends in the Boro, and now they are in the paper!!!! I need to calm down. I am technically still at work after all.
Shhhh ;)



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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day Lovebirds!

I am writing this post illicitly from work but I wanted to take a chance to wish you all a happy day of love.

Thank you Hermie for being the bestest Valentine ever and too Mumsy, Popsicle, Grandmama and Grandpapa for our lovely Valentines treasures.

Cheers to chocolate flavored kisses!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Send in the clowns

Let me preface this post with saying that I hate change and anything that has to do with change. So that being said I am less than enthralled with my new job.

I am working for a place called Sports Blast (no for real) and am essentially just their bitch. I pick up cigarette butts while simultaneously meeting with a team of web designers to help create a new limo website for them. It is insane and I hate it.

I have had a long running feud with physical exertion for quite some time. Plus I hate gyms. I am wary of them. They are full of people who are convinced its your fault you are not as good at --- as you could be. Maybe they have a point but I don't want to hear about it from someone whose abs have valleys and whose arms are bigger than my thighs. I have been easing myself into the athletic world the way one slowly eases oneself into a freezing cold bathtub filled with poisonous water snakes... so really slowly.

But after getting this job some rude bitch pushed me in the water, bruised me up and is currently allowing me to get bitten repeatedly. I am surrounded by people who enjoy working out and view it as a religion BUT they eat take out everyday. WTF. It makes no sense.

My general manager runs security, calls everyone 'Brother' and swears by the healing powers of PowerAde. The owner is.... I don't even know how to describe him except by saying demanding. He has a German Sheppard named Arkon who wants to kill me and I am perpetually covered in dog hair. Which is awkward because my work uniform now consists of black everything, yoga pants, STAFF t-shirt and tennis shoes. Yes tennis shoes. I basically wear my pajamas to work. It is awful. I did not even own a pair of tennis shoes until I discovered my Y and when I tried to sneak in wearing my cute leopard flats I was fussed at. Something about future back problems, blah. blah. blah.

Anyways I am trying to be open minded but this is just not going to work long term. This will do literally nothing to further any career I might entertain entering in the future. I just keep telling myself its just a paycheck. I minored in leadership studies I know the difference between working for an ideal and working for money. This one is totally money.

Anyways, sorry to be so negative its just I hate winter, I can't tan anymore and I am v. unhappy in my line of work. I need something to look forward to and right now all I got is the fact that I don't have to work any birthday parties this weekend. That's right they hold birthday parties there too. With bouncy castles, loads of small children and dodgeballs. I hate my life. Ugh.
*le sigh* Needless to say life right now is not a Cabaret. I need some Liza stat.

Or else I feel the steroid driven snakes might drown me in a big pool of Vitamin Water, which would be terribly tragic but not altogether unexpected. Maybe if it were the 50 cent one I could embrace it. Probably not though.
I will keep you posted. It has to get better right? Right?!?