Friday, November 30, 2007

A very good omen....

I spent the better part of my morning today trying to figure out why three out of our four XM Satelitte radio subscriptions no longer worked. The process involved several phone calls back and forth and while they put you on hold they play holiday music samples for you from their radio stations. The first time I was put on hold I heard Bruce Springsteen's 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town'. The second time I was put on hold (yes there were several calls made) I heard Mariah Careys holiday hit 'All I Want For Christmas is You'.
I for one choose to take this as a sign that tomorrow will be the official kick off of what I can only imagine will be the most amazing Christmas season ever.
No for real. Good things are coming. I can just feel it:)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

About darn time...

Sorry that I have been such a slacker of late friends. This catering wench has been rather busy. Lets catch up shall we? For pretty much the entire month of November... again I am v.v. sorry.
First off I took a short break from the wondrous world of Williamsburg events to travel north with my father to see the creator of all that is good and right with the world, Mr. Bruce Springsteen. We saw him play an amazing two and a half hour concert at the Verizon Amphitheater in D.C. I finally got to see him play 'Born to Run' (the anthem of my entire life) and my father and I both returned back to reality with matching concert t-shirts and a new lease on life.
Secondly, my partner in catering crime Lauren received her Christmas present early this year and the Catering Company now has a new mascot named Doc. He is a 3 pound teeny tiny dachshund who comes to visit daily in the office and makes everyones day just a little happier. All who visit the office automatically fall in love with him and he has achieved model status at the tender age of 11 weeks old. Renowned Williamsburg photographer Monica Sigmon had a personal photo session with Doc recently but as talented as she is it would be incredibly difficult to capture how cute this puppy actually is.
Thirdly, the chicken hut is a go but it is actually going by the name of the Spitfire Rotisserie. It will be opening mid December and there is much preparation afoot for the grand debut. There is a website in the works and the menu is being planned literally as I write this. It is actually going to be the perfect place for anyone to just stop by and get a really great, warm and yummy home style meal. After all of the extensive research Lauren and I did we discovered that Williamsburg is completely devoid of such an establishment, so the timing is perfect. Stay tuned for updates and pictures, I have no doubt that it is really going to be a great success.
Finally, it is almost December which means that the chaos and insanity are finally upon us but I for one am ready for the Christmas season. We spent Monday decorating the Williamsburg Manor Bed and Breakfast and nothing gets you quite in the spirit like untangling lights and singing Christmas carols. This Sunday will be the 'Grand Illumination' in town which I have never gotten to see and I am really looking forward to. What better place to get in the yuletide spirit than a town that has real life carolers and Taverns that actually serve figgy pudding.
Yes, turns out that it is a real food. Who knew?
I have realized the error of my blogging ways and I will stay much more vigilant about posting in the future. *pinky swear*.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The things you can learn from the young.

As today was election day the lovely Reeves ladies were able to spend some time in the office. I have learned several things from them today, first of all I would look fantastic in a Hannah Montana wig. I actually did not learn that from them it is just a personal belief that I hold...

Anyways, I did learn how to make a rubber band ball and some very intriguing dance routines for High School Musical songs.... these are skills that I am sure will come in handy at a later date:)
Like later when I go home to practice my moves and try not to throw my new rubber band ball into traffic... hey, life's what you make it.

Monday, November 5, 2007

The Blue Box Blues

Sometimes the types of things that I ponder due to the nature of my work both confuse and entertain me. As I have mentioned in past posts the Catering Company is going into the chicken business and I have been acting as a guinea pig in the quest for the ultimate poultry experience. My research was not limited to chicken however, it also included testing the elusive 'side dish'.
I for one am a huge fan of the 'side dish' in all shapes and forms. As someone who is attempting to be much more health conscience I should be telling you that there is nothing I love more than a side salad and broccoli. In all honestly I do love my veggies, however my ultimate all time favorite side is macaroni and cheese. Sometimes mixed with ketchup. There I said it. Let the judgement commence.
I don't even like classy mac and cheese..... my favorite is the blue box. Kraft dinner or bust. Somewhere my grandmother is shaking her head at me :) Apparently I am not alone in the world though because Kraft sells a million boxes of Mac and Cheese a day. A million boxes! So I think it is safe to say that this particular cheese does not stand alone, I am such a nerd.
As a true fat kid I am automatically inclined to like foods that include any one of the following, fake cheese, pasta, butter and milk. Macaroni and cheese has a healthy dose of all four. I think it could be classified as the quintessential fat kid food.
Anyways, there is nowhere to get good mac and cheese in Williamsburg. Except for the Blue Talon bistro and then you feel silly because you are ordering mac and cheese in a fancy french bistro. Of course I have done it... I am just saying you feel silly:)
So the quest will continue for the perfect mac and cheese recipe that is not too bourgeois and not too blue box. A compromise must be reached. Until that happens though I am going to go to town on some Easy Mac, and maybe throw in some carrot sticks for good measure, we shall see.