Tuesday, July 20, 2010


As I had mentioned in an earlier blog entry my super awesome boyfriend got me Lady GaGa tickets for my birthday and this last weekend was the big event and she was absolutely freaking amazing!!!! First of all I love GaGa because she is batshit crazy, dresses like she is a piece of art and her music is super fun. I worked out to GaGa all last summer and she constantly motivated me and made me dance and smile. I just love her. The thing about GaGa though is that her show was like its own culture. Everyone was dressed up in their own costumes and outfits that you could just tell they had spent loads of time designing. Everywhere was glitter, crazy makeup, feathers and heels (on the girls and the boys), it was like being in a super glam fantasy land and I was in heaven.

For the first time in my life I felt under dressed and I wish that I had just been braver and worn the crazy outfit that I had put together but chickened out of wearing. I also wish that I had invested in a blond wig but that is neither here not there. Her whole deal though is being brave and being yourself even if that is against what everyone else is doing and she has really motivated me to start trying to do that more in my everyday life. I really used to love getting ready and taking lots of time designing outfits and style but since moving out here I have kind of lost the motivation since everyone is so dull and boring and provincial. But if GaGa has taught me anything its that being around mediocrity is no excuse to be boring yourself so I am choosing the embrace the GaGa lifestyle :) Not so much walking around in my underwear but more like being myself.

We found a really fun place to stay in St. Louis and got to the Scottrade center in time to see all the great outfits and people. There was totally a show before the show with everyone taking pictures with each other and admiring the others handiwork. There were also protesters from the crazy Westboro Baptist Church but we did not really see them because all you could see were head dresses, hair bows, wigs and magic. We got our $10 beers, checked out the t-shirts (I picked the one that says "I can't pay my rent but I'm Fucking Gorgeous!" love it) and then we went to watch the opening band Semi Precious Weapons who were fun and crazy. Their hit song is called "sticky with champagne",yea it was that kind of band. Then at exactly 8:30 GaGa appeared and it was on!

She played for over two hours and did tons of costume changes but you are never bored because there are tons of visuals and videos and dance numbers. She was just insane. She played all the songs that Gus and I wanted her too and Herman and I are totally destined to be because he stood the whole concert and danced right along with me. Despite most of his friends and family mocking him for going we had a blast. The vibe was full of love and dancing and everyone was fun and friendly and singing and dancing. It was great. Totally different category than Bruce but she is an insanely amazing entertainer and I would highly recommend going to her show. I found a great review from a S.t Louis blog that has her set list and loads of fun pics so if you want to read about what I lived through and see it first hand click here (it is a really awesome review, and epitomizes exactly how I felt when I was there).

Thank you so much Gus for such a perfectly fantastic birthday presents... you know she is touring until next May we could totally see her again :)

Rocking our super fun pink GaGa glasses in preparation for the big concert!

Practicing his "Poker Face". Fail :)

Our b & b that we found at the very last minute, sooo beautiful and perfect!

The Forget Me Not bed and breakfast where we prepped for the big show!

Getting ready for the show!

Herman and I playing our love game :)

Super fans with great outfits!

He reminded me of David Bowie... I really wish I were that thin and tan. Sigh.

Fireworks and magic and GAGA!

This is a dark GaGa throwing up on the white GaGa.... trippy but it was really visual and cool

Boys, boys, boys! All of her dancers were gorgeous!

GaGa looking alot like Glenda, reminded me of Wicked a little .

His Poker Face in action! I can read it though :)

Great concert, so flipping amazing little monsters for life!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a blast!!!! And I'm glad you've updated your blog, I was getting sad that you never posted!
