Tuesday, February 19, 2008

marshmallow wars!

Now this story totally happened last week but it is a true one and I have yet to tell it so its new to you....
Casey Reeves the eldest daughter of the Catering Company has recently begun participating in the gloriously nerdy rite of passage that is a science fair. Now her family are not ones for doing things 'half way' or 'simply' so in true Reeves fashion her science fair project was a real life working marshmallow cannon. This cannon ( which was painted pink and white and totally cute) was stationary and when blown upon a marshmallow would shoot out often v.v. far. She was testing whether or not the various ages and sizes of the people who blew in the cannon would affect the distance the marshmallow travelled. Either way it turns out the marshmallow travels very far.
Anyways, since they were making one the logic stood to reason that they could just make an arsenol while they were at it so all last week there were random moments of sporadic marshmallow gun fire throughout the office. We are still finding marshmallows in the most random spots and probably will be indefinitely. The glorious part is that the entire office was covered in camoflague fabric in netting to prepare for the 'kisses for the troops' theme so it was actually at times like being in a war zone. While it does not hurt to get hit by a random projectile marshmallow with enought spit involved they are prone to getting a little sticky and that is just really gross. I speak from experience.
So in the case of a suprise sneak attack from the medical supply company or the roofers down the way our office is totally and completely fortified. By guns that shoot bullets made of sugar.
We are so screwed, oh well at least they make a great snack. Just not the ones that we found behind the printer. I have a feeling those would not be tasty.
Call it a hunch :)

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