Since my time back has spent preparing for our housewarming party and then cleaning up after the massive party I have yet to update you on things that you might be interested in. The second part of the story as it were so here are some tales for those of you who like some closure in your life.
Kyle : You will all remember him as the personal trainer who laughed at me and my grease stains. Well I ran into him on one of my million pre-party Wal-Mart runs and fortunately for me I was buying cleaning supplies and not frozen burritos and liquor (that was a later trip). Kyle informed me that he was not at Gold's anymore and he had left while I was on break. But the upside is he is opening his own training place now and invited me to take his Boot Camp class in February which contingent on my employment situation I might actually consider. The Boot Camp classes are the ones where you wake up at 5:00 and go running around in the freezing dark and while it would be hard I think it would be fun to try to push myself, plus I am at a weight loss plateau and it might help me reach my goal.... we shall see.
KFC Grilled Chicken : For those of you who are wondering Gus and I have still not gotten to try to elusive grilled chicken platter. It comes out to 7 weight watchers points which is completely acceptable but neither the Murphysboro or the Carbondale KFC believe in the power of grilled. The only one that has it is like 45 minutes away and I can grill some chicken and microwave some green beans in the time. I mean really. I don't know why our current hometown hates on the grilled so hard core but I am really not surprised. It would be very easy to allow yourself to get very fat here. Luckily Gus has me and my point system and I refuse to let that happen :)
Job hunting : Things are looking up I have some interviews and am doing some odds and ends for people in the area it must only be a matter of time before I break on through to the employment side.
Fun people and activities : One awesome thing that came out after our party was we were able to narrow down and single out the people who we want to spend lots more time with and those that we don't. This weekend was our debut into social society and it was so much fun. We were busy social butterfly's with more invites then time. It was a wonderful feeling. We spent Friday at out favorite Mexican restaurant with out Atomic Homeboys gossiping about the party and telling stories. Then we were up early to ride to St. Louis with our friends Stephen and Viet. We were heading to St. Louis where the boys were going to play some poker at Harrah's. No one won big but it was fun to be out of Illinois, even if it was just across the river. For our happy hour we went to this INCREDIBLE piano bar called the Big Bang which was two pianos on a stage and these really fun boys playing songs, parodies, dance melodies and sing alongs. We got the best corner seat and I had an absolute blast. It was so cool being out with fun people playing in the city. Sunday was a football day and the boys got like 9 straight hours of the sport but it was nice to be out watching the games with other people, instead of alone at home on the couch like we normally do.
Overall I would say that things are looking up :)