Monday, February 22, 2010

Now for your moment of Zen (Apple Style)

Today for your moment of Zen I am going to give you a behind the scenes glimpse into the making of Captain Applesauce. As you all know Gus has been given the honor of playing the Captain this year and a few Saturdays back we had our first 'event' that he attended as his new alter ego :)

The costume is similar to that of any school mascots and costs damn near $7,000. Yeah. So needless to say it is very well protected. As the story goes Captain Applesauce can leap tall apple trees in a single bound, has several small apple seed style children and lost his voice trying to save an apple from being turned into a pie. Now I am not making this up, someone else has that very dubious honor.

The first official event was a birthday breakfast celebrating the towns hero and claim to fame John A. Logan who was a Civil War hero and also almost was a Vice President. The breakfast failed to deliver pancakes, as promised but all the little kids loved poking and hugging and giving high fives to the Captain. Gus plays the part perfectly though because he is crazy hyped and bounces around all the time and is in all actuality still a kid himself.

Don't you just love the big belly? Dead sexy.

It takes two people to get into this costume, there is alot of work involved what with the massive head and four fingered gloves and massive fuzzy green clown shoes.

Captain Applesauce spending time with all of his adoring fans. Surprisingly kids love this guys. Some are very scared, which I can't blame them for because he is kind of terrifying, but most small children are pretty big fans.

Photo ops are also part of the job description. This one is with the sponsor of the breakfast (seen in the 'period' hoop skirts, which correct me if I am wrong were not that slutty and outlandish back in the day) the key club and the Captain.

I love the Captain :)

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