Thursday, December 1, 2011

I am thankful for being thankful

I am thankful for still retaining a sense of wonder. Now this is a strange one keep with me. Gus and I were driving home from Cleveland and had no audiobooks to listen to so we were forced to talk to each other for 20 hours roundtrip. Luckily he is kind of interesting so it was not that bad. Gus however works in an industry of sorrow if you will. He deals with the darker side of life, drug abuse, neglect, poverty really sad stories of people really down on their luck and he is essentially their last line of defense. Now that is a lot of pressure and he copes with it by playing fantasy football and watching way too many zombie shows.

I however have a really hard time listening to these stories and it is easy for me to become very deflated and sad as I begin thinking about the tragedy of life on a global scale. Deep huh? What I am thankful for is that I am able to get out of that and twist it into positive things. I am glad that I have retained a reserve of optimism even in the face of what seems like overwhelming gloom. Sometime you just gotta Pollyanna that shit up. I still believe that everyone fundamentally has some good in them. It might not be a lot but it is there and I don’t care if that makes me seem naive or idealistic because I think those traits are positive ones.

I am always going to cry at Folgers and Visa commercials. I am never going to enjoy watching someone lose or have their dreams dashed. I am always going to get excited about the Muppets, and the Disney Princesses and I will continue to sing along to musicals and wish my life was more like one. That is not going to change, in fact having Gus provide some perspective to my life I think has made me a better person. As they say you can’t have light without the shadows, it just makes you appreciate the sparkle more.

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