Thursday, December 1, 2011

I am thankful for Herman

I am thankful that I am in love with a man who understands and accepts that

A. I am always going to want to go see the Disney Princesses live and

B. I am always going to want to dress up like afore mentioned princesses to see the show.

While watching television one night an ad for the Disney show came on showing fantastic musical renditions of 3 of my favorite princess stories and of course in true Erin fashion I just blurt out "ohhhh I want to go see that". Now we all remember how burned I was about the 1 ring circus so it would be understandable that Gus would back away from taking me to another performance at the SIU arena but instead defying all obstacles he literally ran (and the boy runs like a little Ethiopian fleeting from cheetahs) to the box office to buy me surprise tickets for the next night.

He came home beaming tickets in hand and I immediately began trying on my tiaras trying to think of the perfect one to wear :) Anyway this is just a little example but I have found someone who really does understand and love my crazy even if sometimes he is forced to pretend like he does not know me i.e. when I do my patriotic rendition of "God Bless America" at my local watering hole. I think the patrons call of encore are really just an excuse for more mockery.

Anyways, he is amazing and I love that not only is he brilliant but he never acts like he is too cool to take his favorite 9 year old trapped in a 27 year olds body to the show and while he rolls his eyes a little he still helped me pick out a ball gown to wear and I think he was a little proud that I was the best dressed princess of them all. Granted the rest were three and wearing their Halloween costumes but still :)

Um yes and in case any of you are wondering this is my Homecoming dress from my SOPHOMORE year of high school which means this dress is almost 13 years old and I could still make it zip up. Barely but it did which means either I am destined to be essentially the same size my entire life or I was a really big high school sophomore...yikes.

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