Tuesday, October 9, 2007

going to the chapel, or the Manor whichever....

Weddings, weddings everywhere and plenty of sparkling cider to drink! This weekend I had the honor of hosting another wonderful wedding at the Williamsburg Manor Bed and Breakfast. I really love having weddings at the Manor, instead of a bed and breakfast it becomes a place where before God and their families amazing couples decide to spend the rest of their lives together. They are much more casual and relaxed, no bridezillas or coordinators running around with walkie talkies and duck tape. Manor weddings are short and sweet and remind you that a gorgeous and special wedding does not require a dress that cost more than the down payment on a new car. They really are refreshing. The ceremony is done by Mr. Douglas Johnson of Williamsburg, the sweetest older gentleman who despite performing numerous weddings every week always brings a personal touch to each one. Did I mention that they are short? Amazing. Don't get me wrong I will get as much use out of my wedding dress as possible, we are talking full Mass and a reception that lasts until dawn, but it is much nicer at other peoples weddings when they are concise:) The funny thing about Manor weddings is that they are usually for people who have been married before and want something smaller, but despite the fact that they have been through it all before they need some guidance as to the traditions involved with the event. I think its cute because they are just so focused on the actual marriage that the wedding and all the trappings involved don't even really seem to matter. They smile for pictures, and I get a super hot professional camera and full reign to go totally paparazzi on them so of course I love that. Then they cut the cake, their guests make a toast and then they are off. Much more personal and obviously Colonial than Vegas, but its a similar situation. I refuse to dress like Elvis though, although in his later years his ensembles were very bedazzled..hmmm...

Anyways congratulation to the new Mr and Mrs. Davenport I know that they will be crazy happy together and I feel blessed that I was able to witness the beginning of their new life together. Eww I am so cheesy. True story.

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