Tuesday, October 16, 2007

holy head injury Batman!

So over the weekend this catering wenches family suffered a major scare when my younger brother (and world) was in a bike accident. Not a motorcycle accident, as he would like me to lead you to believe but rather a bicycle accident. He also did not injure himself by diving off of his bike to avoid hitting a bus full of orphans as he would like you to believe but rather by hitting a pothole at very fast speeds. He was taken to MCV and placed in the ICU Neuroscience unit for two days under crazy intense surveillance. After much waiting and bureaucracy Jonny was finally able to come home last night. He is currently back home with a bruised brain and broken collar bone but he is going to be alright. Thank you to my family, friends and the Catering Company for all of their support and prayers this weekend. Jonny has learned his lesson and in the future will utilize a helmet, and/or caution. But certainly a helmet.
While anxiously awaiting news from doctors and nurses my parents and I passed time eating random hospital foods and playing Mad Libs with Jon who was on massive amounts of morphine making his Mad Libs all the more entertaining. It should be noted at this juncture that for a hospital the size and magnitude of the Medical College of Virginia they should have more varied and healthy food options. It seems like a walking contradiction to see doctors vying for a better position in the McDonald's line and nurses bitch slapping each other for the last Chick Fil A chicken sandwich. Alright there might not have been any actual bitch slapping but there were some unnecessary sucker punches. You would think a hospital might offer some more salads and less fries, maybe they are just trying to keep themselves in business longer. Those doctors are a clever bunch. They ought to be they are in school for long enough. Despite all the junk food and human drama playing out at a hospital it is a very scary place and I hope to not have to visit one again for a very long time. Unless you know someone has a baby or something happy, no more head trauma. That is so three days ago.
Thank you for all the love again, BroJo appreciated it and my family needed it:)

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