Thursday, October 25, 2007

Operation "Plucked Up"

As if the owners of the Catering Company were not busy enough running any one of their three successful businesses they have decided to add a fourth venture to the collection. This venture will here forth be known as Operation "Plucked Up". A former cafe in the area has recently gone up for sale and there is a distinct possibility that it will soon be owned by some of the most brilliant masterminds in Williamsburg. However, you did not hear it from me:) As part of the research for the new business Lauren, my faithful partner in catering crime and I have been given the task of mystery shopping local rotisserie chicken selling establishments and reporting back to headquarters.
Now before you get all jealous and huffy that I am being paid to eat massive amounts of chicken consider this - rotisserie chicken, every night. For a week. It sounds amazing in theory but the reality is much more well lets just say greasy. Lauren and I have so far eaten a chicken at the Fresh Market, Food Lion, and not one but two Farm Fresh Supermarkets. Still on the list are Ukrops, KFC and Wal-Mart. In our trench coats and tinted glasses we survey the atmosphere making notes with ninja like stealth and then report back on our experiences. Not really though. We have been asked to go at peak chicken traffic time, between five and six so essentially we are dealing with exhausted soccer moms and screaming children. Eww. I cannot really complain though, I for one am awful at making decisions and my dinner choices have been predetermined for me all week which has been very convenient. Hurray for a lack of choice:)
The research will continue for the remainder of the week and formal reports will be typed up and submitted, but ultimately I have great confidence that whatever the masterminds at the Catering Company come up with will be a massive success and will set the standard for all the other chicken mongers in town. Can you be a chicken monger? Or is it only a fish monger....hmmm. I should add that to my research. Stay tuned for more updates on the developing rotisserie business and Operation 'Plucked Up' :)

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