Friday, August 21, 2009

Zumba with a Z!

My new favorite thing in my life is Zumba class. It is incredible and I can not stop saying enough awesome things about it.
After boy abandoned me to pursuit his academic dream I was left with a whole lot of free time and instead of spending it wallowing in self pity I decided to join my local Y.
Best. Call. Ever.

Not only did the Y fill up some of the hours of agonizing boredom but it also introduced me to the glory and wonder that is Zumba. Basically its a class where you dance to really fun music in fast, sometimes sexy sometimes tribal sometimes Latin ways. Amazing.

Now I have taken it for about two months and I have comprised a top 5 reason of why it rocks which is as follows :

1.) It is in the dark so if you mess up, fall, sweat alot, have no idea whats going on or like this kid mess up a whole lot and just giggle like a nerd no one can see you. Plus everyone else is really busy doing the same thing so no one is judging you. Unlike a particularly pretentious aerobics class I only attended once.

2.) The music is super fun and fast. Gus and I were actually at a Mexican restaurant in Illinois and one of my Zumba songs came on and I really wanted to break into my routine, but I just kept eating instead. Bad Erin, Bad.

3.) I absolutely worship my teachers, they are all incredible but I have a favorite and I attend all her classes faithfully. She is gorgeous and is able to move her body in ways that defies laws of nature and dare I say physics. They are all really inspiring and they just make it really fun.

4.) I find myself carrying Zumba into other aspects of my life, you notice it here and there a little more strut and a little more wiggle all in moderation of course ;) It really just makes you more aware of yourself and more confident. I would like to say it has improved my posture and skin too but I won't go that far because that would just be lying.

5.) The biggest reason why I love it is because I don't dread going. I actually look forward to it. Its become my Thursday date with myself and the other women (and men) in the class are all kindred spirits in our Zumba nation.

I don't really know why I decided to rant so much about Zumba, I just thought I would share with you all how incredible it is and if offered anywhere near you then you should join a class immediately if not sooner. Everyone is equal, everyone shakes what their mommas gave them and you all do it to a Shakira remix that would make South Beach proud whats not to love?

Viva le Zumba!

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