Friday, August 28, 2009

The weekend is upon us!

It's Friday. Hurray! Another week down.
Only five more to go:)
Not like I am counting or anything right?

I think that on Fridays I am going to start doing a 'week in review' type entry. Its my blog and I do what I want so there.
Several of you have written me wonderful and encouraging things about how much you enjoy reading about the various
(mis)adventures of my daily life and I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you :)

It makes me happy that my blog is being used to procrastinate, enlighten and inspire.
Perhaps inspire is a little extreme but I will allow it.
I like to write and you all enjoy reading so it works out splendidly.

So back to my list :

My current song of the week - “Paparazzi” by Lady GaGa.
I have been listening to this song on repeat all week and I am still not tired of it which says a lot. Clearly the Lady has fun dance songs but I like this one the best. I am posting a link to the video. * Note there is some scandalous material so those offended by amorous embraces might want to skip this one.

Favorite Quote of the Week -
“Now I know what the founders of Phillip Morris felt like. You just wanna give people a smooth, fun way to relax, and suddenly you're just some terrible monster.”
-Michael Scott on last nights Office

Highlight of the Week -
Being on the short list for what might be an amazing job opportunity
(but shhhh don’t ask me about it because I don’t want to jinx it)

Lowlight of the Week-
Having my Air Conditioner leak through my floor into my bathroom, then having it turned off for a day (its August!) then having the wet carpet smell like death, then having it fixed only to have it smell even worse. It is just now at the point where you can walk in without wanting to projectile vomit.

Zumba Highlight -
There is this family mom, dad and two daughters probably 13 or 14 who come to the Y every Thursday night and they all do Zumba and they warm my heart. I too have been a fat kid my whole life and I always mentally picture my parents and Jon Greene shaking it in a Zumba class and the image makes me laugh out loud and it instantly cheers me up.
* Note to my family, there is still room open in class!

Favorite Person of the Week-
Vega Brown for purchasing me fresh tomatoes from our local Farmers Market so that my lunch could have more vegetables. That’s love :)

Alright kids I hope that you all have incredible weekends. The Greene's are going to the beach, hurray! I need to get as much sea as possible before I am official landlocked.


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