Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Murphysboro Hometown Christmas... booooyah!

Apparently Herman and I are cool kids here in the 'boro as we have been asked by the Chamber of Commerce to be included in the Murphysboro Hometown Christmas tour. Apparently they are fans of 2011 Elm St. :)

So come December 4 and 5th we shall be opening our 'elegantly decorated' home to those who purchase their tickets in advance and people shall oohhh and ahhh over our bunny bitten baseboards and marvel at how clean and organized everything is (because a benefit of the tour is I can throw all our junk in the basement and shut the door). If any of you want to stop by and tour the Chamber has graciously given us several complimentary tickets and right now flights out of Richmond are crazy cheap, its true!

Seriously though I have to get cracking on some decorating. I have decided my inspiration will be cranberries. Let me know if you guys have any ideas for how I can wow my community and make my house stand out on a grad student and recruitment coordinator budget...

I have never had my house featured on a hometour before, probably because I used to live in a shed, sigh I miss the cottage so!

Christmas starts...... now :)

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome Erin!!!!! I can't wait to see pictures and I wish I could be there in person :)
