Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Its Peanut Butter Jelly Time!!!

Sorry that it has taken me so long to post these but our epic Halloween on Elm St. party was a blast and a huge success. It was a super fun party, everyone went all out with their costumes and there was much Monster Mashing indeed! Enjoy the pics of our crazy sweet costumes that took loads of time and creativity to create :)

We had a big pumpkin carving evening the Friday before to get everyone in the mood for the next nights festivities. Everyone's pumpkins looked waayyyy better than ours. All I kept thinking was I wish my dad was there to rescue my pumpkin from its inevitable mediocrity as he had been oh so many times before :(

Picking through the pumpkin guts so we could toast the seeds. Pumpkins are kind of smelly actually.

Herman's little brother JoJo flew in for the weekend to participate in the festivities. The don't look alike at all do they ;)

All of our guests posing with their way creative pumpkins, so jealous!

Anna's best costume ever, we always call her Anna Banana so she went as a banana split.

Posing with the homeboys who were our costume judges for the evening, Gus and I graciously took ourselves out of the running because we would have totally dominated the competition :)

My friend Amanda as Alice.

The girls before the party

My spooky, awesome table.

Hot red heads who are not me. We are taking over :)

JoJo and Caitlin as Nixon and Alice... totally makes sense

The best costume winners. They were crazy authentic!

Now I realize everyone is going to get all huffy because I never post scandalous pictures on my blog (yes mom I realize my grandparents read it) but the image of Gus doing a kegstand in his JIF suit was just too classic. Poor thing had the biggest bruises from that costume.

My little banana split hearts the mad hatter. Don't worry Alice was not jealous

1 comment:

  1. Great costumes, great party, great pictures!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Give the banana split a hug from me =)
