Friday, October 30, 2009

Pictures from Halloweens past... big kid style

Since tomorrow is the big day I was having some fun going back over some fun Halloweens from the last few years and was feeling nostalgic. Gus and I decided last year that we would start our own tradition of going as famous couples in history. Last year was Gomez and Morticia Adams and I think that was chosen because I really just wanted to wear a long black wig. That purchase started a trend that lasted all winter and while I have not donned one of my wigs in a while I still heart them v. much. I got that dress from a costume sale held at William and Mary and I can't remember where Gus got the suit but I am pretty sure he might have already had it. Would not surprise me homeboy has the most random wardrobe. Which works out very well for this year because we did not have to go out and buy a velvet smoking jacket because he just happened to have one lying around :) I am not going to lie though I am looking forward to drawing that mustache back on him....

This is clearly not the most flattering picture of me but I love it because it was taken on my first and only Halloween in Ireland. Those kids over there go crazy with some 'Fancy Dress' parties and everyone was out and dressed up and fun. These are girls who I met at my hostel and befriended and one afternoon when we were depressed and homesick we decided to go costume shopping. Since we were all dirt poor and fresh out of Euro's we settled for a standard sparkly devils ear and all managed to find some kind of red top. The three of us went out and had a really great time despite our abject poverty. We didn't have fancy costumes but we made the best of it and went out and played. Gotta love the Canadians.

While this picture was taken in October it was nowhere near Halloween which would do nothing to explain why I am wearing a mask all I know is that at the Zanzabar in Dublin I am sure that stranger things have happened :) This was the first and only time I can recall ever wearing a Marge Simpson mask.

Baby bunny Henry from last years Halloween. I know I have this picture everywhere but I just think that he looks so cute as a monster in a pumpkin. One of my all time favorite pictures, this year Henry is going as a pretty, pretty princess much to Herman's chagrin. I will post pics.

They're creepy and they're kooky mysterious and spooky they're altogether kooky.....

1 comment:

  1. Henry was much more ferocious as a monster in a pumpkin..although she pulled off the pretty princess costume too ugh.. And remind me to never grow a real mustache, its a bit on the creepy side
