Thursday, March 18, 2010

Call me sentimental

So friends I am at a crossroads. Gus has issued me an ultimatum and it has become (fortunately) the biggest point of contention in our relationship right now.

I have a pink LG chocolate cell phone that has become my best friend and partner in crime, however it is becoming a bit flaky and I am up for a replacement phone. My dilemma is that I love my baby chocolate and I don't feel comfortable abandoning it just yet. It knows my texting habits, it harbors years worth of pics, I love my ring tone, it fits in day and evening bags, my baby phone loves me, but due to Verizon and their Monopoly madness it is costing Gus and I a fortune every month to pay for the option of talking on the phone to people which we never do....

So we are consolidating and I have to pick out a new phone or I lose the option. It really should not be such a big deal, onwards to bigger and better things but I am having a hard time letting go of my little pink phone and the thought of doing so makes my tummy hurt.

It is such a cliche commentary on my life and my unwillingness to part with the familiar. This was the phone that I got when I moved back to Williamsburg, it has texted me through relationships and flirtations. I have dozen of sweet texts from Herman saved, I have lost this phone, passed out with this phone, had my emotions rise and fall with its comforting beeps, or lack there of. This phone reassured me that I was loved and popular. It helped me make plans, dates, adventures. It has been a part of me and my life. Am I supposed to give it up in favor of some new fancy phone? How will my thumbs react?

Is it really sad and pathetic that I am attaching so much importance to something so small, or does it make me one of the last of the loyal, steadfast sentimentalists? I think it's a toss up.
Has anyone else has this sort of dilemma and how did it work out. Do you rationalize in the name of progress or do you stay in the stone ages of technology because of your irrational attachment to things from your past. Either way it would be nice if I the people at Verizon and Best Buy would stop laughing at me whenever I showed them my phone...

No one laughs at 3 year old children so why are you going to mock my 3 year old phone? Rude.

1 comment:

  1. My dear, dear girl,
    You have never been comfortable with change.
    Will you get to keep your phone number?
