Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lets recap shall we?

First of all I want to apologize again for putting nothing but that awfully written smoking article up for months. That was rude of me on my part. The reason I was so MIA was that I took the entire month of August to take my little dog on holiday back to VA. Herman was in the throws of finishing and completing his masters thesis so I opted instead of feeling alone and miserable for four weeks to just go home and impose on my parents generosity and unconditional love for a month :)

And what a month it was! I made a 'bucket list' and my awesome parentals made sure that I was able to do everything at home that I wanted to do. I got to go to Cleveland to see Marcy, eat at my fav. Italian restaurant, go to the beach (thank you Fitzsimmons!), go catch up with my NC clan at Ernie's, shop, sleep and be just overly spoiled. It was an absolutely stunningly flawless trip full of cocktails, carbs and an all around sense of bliss.

Big thanks to my parentals, Marcy, the Reeves and the Fitzsimmons for making my escape from So. Ill the best trip ever. I am so thankful that I still have so many people who still love me despite my absence and failure to be a very consistent communicator. Anyways I am posting some of my favorite moments from my travels.

I can't wait until I get to return at Christmas!

Bridesmaid gifts! Tiffanys at that... wow. I still have not figured out a place to properly store these treasures yet.

Pancho Villa with my Williamsburg crew one of whom just had a baby girl and another who is expecting in April... there must be something in the water there. Glad I did'nt stay too long!

The super incredible Kroger wine bar with dad. This was the coolest thing ever it was like fountain beverages with wine! The best of both worlds!

My super awesome dad and my favorite city skyline :)

Visiting with super great Cleveland cousins!

Bachelorette party dress up time. It started so innocently....

I love this picture this is at Danielle's bridal shower. So cute!

Daddy and I at the beach, where I left my heart. *tear

Bonding on the dock, it was so cool we saw an orange moon that night!

My BroJo and my beach, who could ask for anything more?

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