Thursday, October 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandpa!!!!

Today is my Grandpa Greene's 80th birthday! Seriously 80 some point you stop thinking about the massive amount of candles on that cake and just marvel at the thought of all the things that he has seen, lived and experienced. Many of you have never met my Grandfather but he is the second coolest man in the whole wide world (second only to my father mind you... the apple did not fall far from that tree).

Grandpa Greene is brilliant, and has lived a crazy adventurous life filled with outdoor adventures, a diverse trio of daughters, a mini-me son, a lovingly devoted and equally brilliant wife and of course tons of elaborate train sets. He can play you several jaunty piano tunes, tie a few flies, and prepare a years worth of complicated taxes all before he sits down to his steaming bowl of split pea soup and a mind boggling array of cheese and assorted crackers. In short he is a rockstar.

This weekend all my daddy's family will be gathering at the Greene compound in good old Winston-Salem for what I am sure will be an epic birthday party and I am devastated that I will not be able to attend. Stupid Priceline and their unwillingness to sell me a fifty dollar plane tickets....worst negotiators ever.

However, even though I will not be able to be there in person I am currently delighting in the mental picture that I am painting in my head of the whole crew gathered around the dining room table Norman Rockwell style and Grandpa holding my month old cousin while blowing out all 80 candles amidst his crazy, loving, wonderful legacy.

Happy Birthday Grandpa I love you madly, cheers to the next 80 years :)


  1. Best BLOG ever!

  2. We missed you so much this past weekend. Your tribute to your Grandpa made me cry. Love you! Aunt Nancy

  3. I finally read this, and I'm crying, too! Buy a $50 plane ticket to come meet Lily -- she's hilarious!! xo, aunt kg
