Monday, April 18, 2011

April 15th

Friday I was super excited because it was circus day and I looooooooooove the circus. I have to admit that I was a little taken aback when it was announced that Ringling Bros. was coming to the SIU Arena because it is a super small venue but then I just figured that the circus is magical and they would make it work.

I was wrong. Well technically I was right. I was suspicious when I checked the website and noticed the show coming to Carbondale was on a different circuit as the big city shows and now I know why. Ladies and gentlemen the circus I attended Friday night was a ONE RING CIRCUS. I did not even know that that concept existed but now I do.

There were no tigers, three elephants and way too much emphasis on the THREE (yes three) clowns. Now having just taken my entire family to the circus a few years ago with almost front row seats I know what a circus can be and this guys was not it. Plus to add insult to my disbelief was that everyone kept falling. Seriously there were like eight falls and mishaps in the show. The best part of the circus is knowing that the acts have it under control and are going to make that double back flip onto the back of a moving horse. These guys missed the memo, and the horses back repeatedly.

Towards the end I could no longer watch the show because I was so anxious that I had inadvertently paid to see a Romanian acrobat fall to her death. So in true So. Ill style an event that I love and cherish was turned into a night of terror and disappointment.

The highlight though was I got that super sweet wand that I am holding in the photo. It is pink and sparkly and whirls around really fast and all the cool girls at the circus (granted they were 8) had them, so obvi I had to have one too. Gus was a super good sport and I stopped pouting once I had my magic pink wand. No more understudy circuses for me though, I guess I will have to man up and go to the Lou for the real thing next time :)

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