Monday, April 18, 2011

April 16th

I really am a massive creeper with my camera phone but this is a blurry pic I snapped of a super cute prom couple who I just fell in love with. Gus and I went to Cape on Saturday because Ms. Paula was having a big warehouse sale and I thought there would be jewelry deals involved, which there weren't and it was tragic.

The upside though was that we got to try this delicious Italian restaurant called 'Bella' that we had never been too before and we were there at the perfect time to get dinner and a show. The place was full of prom couples with a line of limos and mini-vans waiting outside. It was like a fashion show that I could watch while drinking wine and eating pasta. Truly the best of both worlds.

It made me really nostalgic about my own prom and made me want to go back a decade (yes, eww a decade) and do it all over again. Gus did not share my sentiments his prom date had the flu and threw up in his Chevy Nova thus eternally scarring him. You win some you lose some but I am thrilled that prom season is upon us!

1 comment:

  1. How about posting a pic from one of those proms?
    Do you have any on your computer?
