Friday, December 4, 2009

Lifes little hiccups

As I told you guys previously we had a wonderful Thanksgiving until we drove back into Illinois and all hell broke loose. Again. It was a rainy and gross dark ride home made worse by that dreadful post holiday let down of knowing that the next day you have to go back to your everyday routine. Meh.

So we finally arrive home after our long drive and unload the little baby Saturn. Marcy and Mom had generously packed us a massive new cooler full of leftover and goodies and I went to unload them into our fridge only to discover that our fridge was defrosted and everything in it had spoiled. Not a lovely experience. Apparently something has broken or tripped the defrost mode and nothing was cold and it was all very icky. Think frozen fish and ice cream leaking out of the ice machine onto the floor. Yea. That was what we came home to.

These minor blips happen so we took all of the food that would really go bad down to my mini fridge in the basement to keep some of it edible. We naturally collapsed after the long trip only to awaken to the contractors back in the morning. I swear they can smell desperation and they just jump on it like wild dogs. So they are there making lots of noise and we are going back and forth trying to make some kind of salvageable breakfast from the mini-fridge while the hammering and sawing continued in the background. Gus had the sweet release of school but I stayed home and hunted for jobs online while trying not to crawl back into bed and wallow.

Gus came home with the news that his truck was broken and would have to go to the shop and the refrigerator would have to be fixed also if we ever wanted to eat in the house again. Ugh. Being a homeowner sucks. So this week I have played the roll of soccer mom driving Gus to and from school and clinical sessions all week but it does have its perks because it gives me no excuse not the go to the gym as I am already in town. In the midst of all the nonsense Gus has been sick, and stressed and the contractors have been lurking ever present in the background.

I for one have a theory. I think that Southern Illinois is a cruel bitch of a mistress and once she senses that you had fun off playing elsewhere she punishes you by raining down misery and inconvenience. Can't wait to see what happens when we come back from Christmas!

Anyways that is why it took me so long to blog. The fridge was fixed yesterday and we went grocery shopping to replace the crap ton of food that we lost to mold and melting. The good news was that we were able to salvage all of our delicious Thanksgiving leftovers and having an abundance of pie really can help get you through anything.

The truck is still sicks, and we are still stressed but there is a light at the end of the tunnels. The contractors will officially be done on Monday and hopefully one of these days we will get a Christmas tree up and the holiday season will finally commence. (*fingers crossed*)

I know that these little hiccups in life come up and that you just roll with them the best you can but I for one think that if this is a preview of life as a grown up I want none of it.

I don't care for ice cream soup one bit :)

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