Wednesday, September 23, 2009

North by South

We have returned! Actually mommy and I returned Monday afternoon but I am just now getting to write because apparently when you miss loads of work two weeks before you leave they want you to get stuff done. Who knew?

Anyways the trip was incredible, and exhausting. For the first time in a long time we went random places and did random things and met random people and drank exotic beverages. Okay, maybe Labatt Blue is not THAT exotic but it is hard to come by in the Burg.

It was wonderful mom and I flew to Cleveland for the first time saving us a day of traveling so we got to spend more time with Marcella T. McGee, who was as always the consummate hostess. Caloric intake was completely forsaken as we ate and drank with the best and brightest Cleveland has to offer. Mainly the Cassidy crew to be quite honest with you. There is really not much more that you need. Mom got to have a mini High School reunion and I got to catch up with my uncles who play a mean game of boccie and take more pictures that an entire crew of L.A. paparazzi :) They are wonderful and I don't get to see them very often so it is super awesome when I do even if it is just for a minute.

The coolest and most unexpected part though was that my most amazing cousin Mary (Colleen) was able to come out and play and in a fit of drunken reminiscing we made up a game plan that included hitting Cleveland favorites and also trying out new things. Then in a hungover stupor we actually went and did those afore mentioned things. Normally Cleveland has a pretty regimented pattern and it is not often that one deviates from the norm but we were able to go on a tourist/local does Cleveland day and it was crazy fun.

For example we went to Drew Carey's bar ( the Warsaw for you die hard fans like moi) and we also went to The Christmas Story house which is now a museum. The whole time giggling and taking pictures. So that the locals would not think us tooo touristy though we also went to an old favorite Harley Davidson cafe which you would only know about if you were cool and in the know. It used to be my Grandmas favorite place to do lunch, no for real. She was a rockstar before it was trendy. We also hit up Malleys which was crucial because we needed hot fudge to ease us through that last nagging bit of lingering gross from the night before.

It was incredible.

We shopped, we cuddled, we ate (alot) and drank (even more) and laughed and cried and just had a ball. I won't go ahead and blow up her spot by telling you how much Champagne was consumed because Marcy will get all freaked out about having such information on the Internet but it was more than any four women should be able to go through, let alone one :)

Cleveland was a little bitter sweet though because it sort of seemed to mark the end of an era. The whole ride home was spent talking about moving plans and reality and as my pasta buzz faded the knowledge of my impending move and the uncertainty of when I would be back to Cleveland next really hit me. It was a great trip though (thanks Mom!).

I would recommend it to all, and I know just the people to call to show you a truly amazing time. Just make sure you develop some sort of tolerance because those kids don't mess around :)

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