Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

So it is official I am now 26 years of age. Which I thought would suck alot more. I thought I would feel all old and sad and such but I did not one bit I had a truly wonderful birthday. Gus woke me up with a 2 pound bag of sour patch kids and the day just got better from there. We had bagels at Panera, went jewelry shopping for lovely bling at Macy's and then I was taken to my favorite winery to play croquet with my friends. Fabulous.

Also I got wonderful presents, in addition to my new patio furniture mom and dad sent a big box of goodies, Hermie got me LADY GAGA tickets and we are going to go have a fabulous weekend in the Lou and rock out to some Bad Romance. He ordered me a Trivial Pursuit board game which I have been searching for months for, did you know that Trivial Pursuit is no longer made? Its impossible to find it now, but thanks to Ebay we now have a set -hurray! You are all welcome to try your luck against me anytime but to date Tom Greene has been the only person able to beat me and it was a close race :)

It was an absolutely perfect day thank you all for all the birthday wishes and presents and love and good karma vibes being sent west. I am thinking that 26 is going to be a pretty bomb ass year. Bring it!
Anna was not very excited by my birthday activities... clearly.

Bagels at Panera, not quite Einsteins but still absolutely delicious.

Cheers to carbohydrates!

My super fun punk rock princess sun glasses that went with my birthday theme perfectly - hot pink and diamonds:)

Wine toasts in the Walkers Bluff pavilion, my favorite place to play croquet.

I heart croquet! It was on like Donkey Kong!
goof troops in pastels, love it.

My birthday cake!
Beautiful and yummy thank you Hermie!

It was a little windy so the candles were not trying to light but they got them all a flame.

nom.nom.nom. I love cake.

Happy birthday to me!
croquet victors!

Nothing is better after a long day of croquet then some mexican and some sombreros!

Birthday presents! Thank you everyone for my awesome gifts!

Big packages from home are really super fun.

Must. get. in. box.

What a wonderful card! thanks bogeys

What every girl needs, cheese spreaders! Thanks mom :)

1 comment:

  1. My dear Erin,
    I am game to take you and my brother on in Trivial Pursuit - My kids think I have the most trivial brain in the family.

    Much love,
    Aunt Connie
